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Langham Church Norfolk

Langham Church Norfolk

St Andrew and St Mary, Langham Church Norfolk

Langham is a quiet agricultural village set a couple of miles back from the busy coast, and it doesn’t seem to have much to do with the tourist hotspots of Wells and Blakeney, which is just as it should be. In this context its church is surprisingly large and grand. Langham Church Clock Looking Up It seems to have been rebuilt in one long campaign from the late 14th Century, judging by the north aisle, through to the early 16th Century. Money was left for a new set of bells in the 1490s, giving a date for the completion of the tower, and the north porch came from a bequest about twenty years later. Langham Church Norfolk has a south aisle but none on the north side, and the late addition of the north porch suggests that none was ever intended. The two sides of the church have quite different characters, that to the north tall and severe, while the south side is more comfortably typical of a late medieval East Anglian church with its clerestory above the aisle. Pevsner felt that the restoration of the 1860s had left it consequently lacking interest outside, although this seems harsh.

Langham church St Mary’s Norfolk

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